B&M Release New 2021/22 Trade Catalogue
B&M’s new trade catalogue - Catalogue #64 - showcases new additions to their brand portfolio including J. Thibouville-Lamy orchestral bows, as well as their extensive range of established leading musical instrument brands.
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Bruce Perrin to retire after 54 years in the business
It is with sadness that Barnes & Mullins announces the retirement of MD Bruce Perrin after 54 years of service to the music industry.
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More Product Bundles announced for DROP SHIP
Don’t wait for customers to click ‘buy’ on the non-specialist online giants…. You can get in on the action too.. and we will do all we can to help.
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The new B&M 2020-21 trade catalogue is here
Launching in the year that B&M celebrate their 125th year in business, Catalogue #63 will be landing on the doormats of all registered B&M dealers from this week onwards and is freely available to new music retailers upon request.
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Reduced Shipping Costs EXTENDED to December 31st
Barnes & Mullins are pleased to announce that their reduced shipping charges, introduced around the beginning of the viral lockdown period, will continue to be offered until December 31st, 2020.
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Bonham Drumstick Bag now available.
Now you’ve got Bonzo’s sticks, you need somewhere to store them! Rolling out across the world from Promuco is this excellent Bonham stick bag. For Bonham and Zeppelin fans everywhere.
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Music Mark Advice for Schools & Orchestras
The linked documents give much good advice and show useful statistics that lay out the advisory viral-mitigation distance between certain wind instruments within an ensemble setting. Our thanks go to Music Mark and others for producing such useful information at this time.
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Peavey Commercial Audio® Announces New UK Sales Strategy
Peavey Commercial Audio® announces that moving forward, the company will handle its own sales and consulting for its commercial audio division in the United Kingdom.
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Drop-Ship Bundles Unveiled
Retailers can now ship bundles of pre-selected instruments and accessories direct to musicians around the country. Perfect for those wanting to explore music during this #StayatHome period
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FREE DROP SHIPPING across the UK and Ireland
B&M are pleased to announce that from Tuesday 24th March, all orders with a trade value over £50 can be Drop-Shipped to the UK mainland – that’s direct to your customer – for FREE. The same offer is available for Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Scottish Highlands and Islands with a trade value over £100.
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It's now even easier to get FREE SHIPPING
We are making it easier for retailers to receive Free Shipping on their orders. From Friday 20th March, all UK Mainland customers will qualify for Free Shipping when placing trade value orders over £50.
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NAMM Milestone award for B&M
Barnes & Mullins receive NAMM Milestone award for 125yrs of service to the Music Industry
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